In the village Randbøl Randbøldal Camping is located. We spent there three nights.
The first night – on Saturday – just after our arrival. On Saturday we arrived quite late (due to an unexpected route extending). On Saturday we basically did not have many opportunities to familiarize with this place. We setted up the tent and went to sleep. The next morning we saw the whole building.
We spent Sunday mostly on the campsite, partly visiting the nearby Vejle town. We needed to rest before next day activities. On the next day we planned a trip to Legoland, 15km away. We chose to go there in the middle of week to avoid the weekend crowds.
Set in a stunning location, surrounded by woods. Camping surprised us with the amount of interest it offered.
Among these facilities we have identified:
- kitchen with gas stove for cooking meal,
- toilets, showers (included in the price),
- children’s playground with a trampoline, the roller
- pool (actually a lake) with an area of 5000m2 with two water slides (including one with a length of 60m and height 6m)
- power at the campsite
The roller – best attraction for children located on the playground. Such a thing we had never met. Used here for fun. We knew these rollers only from post office where it was used to sorting parcels. Here kids were able to slide down on rubber wipers (and without).
Take a look at our movie:
Camping completely met our expectations. It was nicely maintained, with sufficient space for a tent and a car. Part of the area was occupied by campers, part was desired to the tents. It was very peaceful. For us, this camping was an ideal base for trip to Legoland. We need to mention that the campsite has Polish speaking stuff.
We camped in such a way that all the stuff we stuck in the car. It was a convenient for us to not need to unpack everything. We were frequently changing campings. It did not take much time to unpack every time out of the car and everything was easily accessible.
Surroundings encouraged to practice cross-country run and take advantage of nearby hiking trails. In this way, I could see that the forest area around the base is really hilly. There are nice areas for runners.
On Monday morning, we packed up quickly and on the day we rode from the campsite to Legoland. In the evening, we had dinner and on Tuesday morning we hit the road again to visit rest of Denmark.